New DVD to spook ghost story lovers
Released on = November 28, 2006, 3:41 am
Press Release Author = Steve James/GSL Media Services
Industry = Entertainment
Press Release Summary = Professional film makers have produced an impressive DVD of some of York\'s spookiest stories.
Press Release Body = A fantastic new DVD which shows some of York's spookiest ghost stories is being launched.
It's the brainchild of producer Aidan Doyle and Andy Dextrous who is famous for hosting one of the city's ghost walks.
Aidan says: "York is one of the most famous cities in Europe for its hauntings and lends itself to a very atmospheric film. We had a great time filming here and we think that comes across."
"We recreate the famous stories and interview some eyewitnesses. There are also plenty of shots of Andy walking the streets in his ghost walk Victorian attire."
The film, Ghost Hunt of York, is a highly professional production which shows York at its ghostly best. The film's eyewitness accounts of ghostly encounters and re-enactments of some spiritual encounters add to the spooky experience.
Andy, who has also been approached by a publisher to write a book, added: "It's been a great collaborative effort and I'm sure people will be really pleased with how it has turned out.
"There's an awful lot of interest in York's ghosts and I'm sure many people will buy this DVD."
Among the stories featured is Harry Martindale's famous encounter with a troop of Roman soldiers in the basement of the Treasurer's House, complete with a spine chilling recreation.
There's also the story of a woman seen by Holy Trinity Church in Micklegate heading to her baby's grave across town. The baby died of cholera and some sightings show the same woman carrying a baby in her arms back to her grave at the church.
And there's an impressive recreation of Dick Turpin's ghost on a black horse too.
Aidan says: "We used a professional film crew to make this DVD and it's been edited professionally with a specially composed music score by Francis Kentuohy. It's all very impressive and should leave visitors to York with something they can remember the city with. A spine chilling memory, but an impressive one nonetheless!"
The film is directed by ex-BBC producer Bernard Walton, who says: "This was such an exciting film to make because some of the great ghost stories of York are brought to life. For the first time we explain the possible reasons why such ghosts are seen."
The film is available from various stores around York, from Andy on his ghost walk and online at and at
Note for Newsdesk Andy can be reached on 07945 517014 for more information. Aidan can be contacted on (M) 00353 -86 -358 5578 / (W) 00353 Press Release writing and distribution by GSL Media Services, York.
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Contact Details = GSL Media Services Suite 453, Clifford House, 7-9 Clifford Street, York YO1 9RA
Tel: 0845 858 9152 Fax: 0870 706 4120
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